Our acoustic software suite
AcouS STIFF® is software used for predicting the sound reduction index. Our program complies with ISO 717-1, NFS 31-051 and ASTM-E413 standards. In addition to our tutorials, our team teaches you how to use AcouS STIFF®.
Our inter-company training courses take place in Toulouse and Paris but can also be carried out in your offices on request anywhere in France and abroad. They teach the participants the basics that will serve to highlight the influence of the parameters that can be used to optimize a structure.
AcouS STICS21® is a software package for calculating airborne noise and impact noise for all types of premises (housing, offices, health or education establishments, etc.). Our software is based on the calculation methods of the ISO 12354 series of standards, and calculates the acoustic quantities DnT,W (C; CTr) and L'nT,W (CI; CI50-2500) in accordance with ISO 717 and ISO 10140 standards. It can be used to integrate simulations from the following software suite AcouS STIFF® and AcouS STING®.
In addition to our tutorials, our development teams can also train you in the use ofAcouS STICS21® .
AcouS PROPA® is software for modeling acoustic propagation indoors and outdoors. Our program is a modular tool that meets the needs of each user. Whether it is an industrial project, a environment project, a wind farm and room acoustics. AcouS PROPA® calculates noise maps and also allows the calculation of spatial decay and sound decay time.
Our organization provides inter-company training in Paris or Toulouse, and in-company training on request in France and abroad on the use of our AcouS PROPA® software. AcouS PROPA®.
AcouS STING® is software used to predict the level of impact noise. Our software complies with the ISO 712-2 standard and is the software suite associated withAcouS STIFF®The shock noise level is the second relevant criteria for evaluating the acoustic performance of a simple or complex floor. Graphs and/or tables will illustrate the results.
The AcouS STING® The AcouS STING® software is the most effective simulation tool for impact noise level improvement.
Training courses take place inter-company in Toulouse and Paris and also in your company offices on request, anywhere in France and abroad.
DIAG.Lexd® is the best designed risk prevention software for noise exposure. This software makes it easy to diagnose workers' noise exposure. It complies perfectly with the EN ISO 9612 standard, the Lex,8h calculations are carried out taking into account the LAeq, Ti (measured equivalent continuous levels) and the peak values with the percentage of PPE usage (personal protective equipment).
It is aimed both at experienced specialists and at people with no particular skills in acoustics. This tool can be used by prevention departments as well as health and safety or occupational health departments.
Just like our other software, GAMBA provides inter-company DIAG.Lexd® courses in Paris and Toulouse and also in-company on request, anywhere in France and abroad. DIAG.Lexd® en inter-entreprise sur Paris, Toulouse et aussi en intra-entreprise sur demande, partout en France et à l'étranger.