Noise around airports

  • Forecasting of noise maps around airports, such as Noise Exposure Plans (PEB) and Noise Management Plans (PGS).
  • Impact studies of trajectory changes, aircraft fleet modifications, runway threshold shifts.
  • Impact studies within the framework of the balanced approach.
  • Project management assistance (AMO) for noise and flight path monitoring systems.
  • Soundproofing studies for homes located within the PGS area.

Noise maps, balanced approach studies, impact studies

  • Noise Exposure Plans (PEB) around aerodromes; 
  • Strategic noise maps; ;  
  • Environmental Noise dans l’environnement (PPBE) ; 
  • Acoustic impact studies of new trajectories or runway uses; 
  • Strategic reflection for the implementation of noise contour limitations: considering scenarios with the airport to enable environmentally sound development in terms of noise; 
  • Balanced approach studies:airport platforms can implement noise-relatedoperational restrictions as part of a balanced approach according to EU Regulation No. 598/2014,which integrates socioeconomic and environmental aspects. Groupe Gamba has developed expertise in the consideration of acoustics within these approaches and has applied them notably for platforms in Nice, Marseille, , Toulouse, Toussus-le-Noble, Nantes, Orly,, Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle, Lille, Bâle-Mulhouse Basel-Mulhouse, and Lyon St Exupéry. 

Project management assistance for noise and trajectory monitoring systems

Assisting airports in the implementation or renewal of their noise and flight path monitoring systems: drafting consultation specifications, supporting the consultation process, and receiving system functionalities. 

This system continuously measures the noise levels generated by aircraft. The data is used to assess compliance with local noise standards and to generate reports on noise emissions. 

Soundproofing for airport residents

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nos projets phares aéroportuaires

RÉFÉRENCE – Étude Approche Équilibrée pour l’Aéroport de Bâle-Mulhouse

From the Blog:
Noise in airports






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