Moyens techniques R&D

Measuring equipment and tools :

  • Digital analyzers, microphonics, accelerometry,
  • Omnidirectional source
  • Semi-anechoic chamber (on the Nantes site)
  • Test bench for measuring the acoustic performance of a rolling noise underlay ΔLBR
  • ISO 16940 dynamic bending stiffness test bench
  • Partnerships with various laboratories to measure sound attenuation and impact noise levels

Specific measurements made :

  • Vibration attenuation index and vibration isolation of a junction, Kij and Dvij
  • Sound power level in semi-anechoic chamber
  • In-situ sound power by intensimetric probe
  • Qualification and inspection of acoustic laboratories (anechoic or reverberation chambers)
  • Sound reduction index on small specimens for Rw max 45/50 dB (200 to 5000 Hz)
  • Characterization of the stiffness of soil layers using the MASW vibration method

Simulation software :

  • Software suite developed by the GAMBA group: AcouSSTIFF®, AcouSSTING®, AcouSTICS21®, AcouSPROPA® .
  • MEFISSTO developed by CSTB (vibration propagation) - finite element method 2.5 D
  • ANSYS - multi-physics 3D finite element calculation tool

Outils Matlab :

  • Acoustic propagation by FDTD (temporal)
  • Calculating the polar diagram of diffusing surfaces
  • Sound absorption prediction
  • Modal behavior of stiffened and unstiffened plates and free-field acoustic radiation
  • Vibration: soil characterization, structural behavior






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